Sunday, August 7, 2011

Time Flies...

 And now all of the sudden, we are at 31 weeks of preparing for Finnian's arrival! Holy cow, time has gone by so darn fast! The good news is that we have finally made some progress on her nursery and got it somewhat set up, and continue to make progress on it daily. Hopefully we will be ready for her when she decides she wants to come greet the world!

We had a doctor's appointment the other day to check on her development. She is doing great! Shannon is doing great, too! We got a chance to see her again because the doc wanted to check to make sure it was her head that she was feeling. It was a nice opportunity to see her cute little face again. I love that every time we see her, she has her little hand up by her face. She's so darn sweet. It is hard to believe I can love someone as much I do already, and I haven't even met my little one.

We are going to the docs every two weeks now, since we are close to the end of the pregnancy now. It is going to get busy in the next few months. We are ready for it, though, I think! Our parenting/birthing classes will start in the next couple of weeks, too. Those should be interesting, to say the least. I am not looking forward to the gross videos I have heard about. We'll see. They better have snacks.

Shannon and I both continue to collect little things for her, as well. I can't go into a store without looking at baby stuff, or little books or things like that. It seems like every time we go somewhere, one of us comes out with something for the little one. I saw a book yesterday and had to get it for her, because it had an owl puppet on it. I can't wait to read to her every night. I do it anyway now, but I am looking forward to holding her and letting her look at the pictures as I read to her. It is kind of hard to show her pictures through Shannon's tummy at this point. I still try, mind you, but I am not sure how much she can actually see.

Our baby girl is healthy and doing well. When she hears music, she moves a lot more. We were at the Willamette Valley Fiddle Contest yesterday, and every time the fiddlers would start playing, she would wiggle more and more. I put her little lullaby glow worm to Shannon's belly and pushed it's belly to make it play the music. Finn moved closer to it and would wiggle when the music would play. I hope she loves music and moving as much as we do! She and I will dance, even when the music has ended.

We have nine more weeks until the little Sprout reaches her due date. We have a lot left to do, but we are getting there, and we will get there by the time she is here. At least we'll have some things set up before she gets here. That's the plan, anyway. As for the rest of it, we are just continuing to go do the doc appointments and make sure that Shannon is healthy, and that Finn is healthy. So far, everything is going as it should, and we can't wait to meet our little baby girl and show her off to the universe.

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