Monday, April 16, 2012

Time Goes Fast...

When you're having fun!!! Finnian is six months old today! She is such an amazing little wonderful joy to have in our lives. We look back and can't believe that it has been six months already. It has just flown by. It seems like just yesterday, we were in the hospital, welcoming this beautiful little being into the world. Now we have this tiny little person in our home.
She has started to discover the world around her more and more every day. She started to hold her bottle a few months ago, but has really got the hang of it now. She has been able to flip over and roll back and forth for quite some time now, as well. Signs are coming that she wants to crawl. Child's pose is one of her favorite yoga positions to be in, and she starts to wiggle and move, like she is trying to crawl. I think we are going to have a mobile little girl soon! She already moves in circles enough, and pushes herself backwards. Now she just needs to get going forward. We are trying not to push her, since she catches on to things quickly. She'll be moving forward on her own soon enough.
Finny has also shown signs of getting some teeth coming in. We feel around in her mouth and she has a couple bumps on her gums. We hope they will wait a little bit longer to pop through, but she's been really drooly and clingy and very stinky, so we anticipate their arrival any time now. On Wednesday this week, we will take her to the doc to see how big she is and when she can start eating "real" food, so maybe those teeth will come in handy soon!
Little Bug's favorite toys now are, of course Jonas the Moose (#2, since #1 got eaten by Brody in the great dog fiasco of 2012), Sophie the Giraffe (thank you Auntie Cindi!), Mr. Banana (thanks Uncle Albert!), her rings (thanks Nana and Poppa), and her popper beads she got for Christmas (Thanks Momma and Ina!). She loves to ride in her Pink Caddy, and loves to go for rides in the car. She also enjoys spending time with her puppies and kitties and her Momma and Ina and other family members. Finny loves to sit in the grass and play in the water. She loves to be active.
We will all get to see Aunt Andi, Uncle Brian, Cousin Caden, Cousin Devyn, and Cousin Erynn soon, and Finny is looking forward to meeting all of them for the first time. The twins are almost three months old now, so that will be really fun. Cousin Caden is a great big brother, and we know he will be a great big cousin, as well. We love our Foley's!
Six months has gone by so quickly, and we know that it isn't going to slow down at all. Finny is growing like a weed and learning new things every single day. She is a smart little girl. We can't wait to see what's next! Though if time could slow down a little that would be nice...
(on another note, I will try to be better about updating!)

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