Friday, April 1, 2011

Sperm and Tubby

Written January 26th...

January 17, we went in for our second attempt at insemination. We went to the lab to pick up our sample, affectionately called NENO (the number OHSU attached to our donor is 9890, so we call him NENO, for the first letters of each number). While there, we waited a while as our little spermies were being washed. The tech finally called Shannon to the window to pick them up, and she handed them to me, where I kept them warm in between my breasts. I never thought I would have a little vial of sperm stuck in my cleavage, but there you go.
We walked over to our doctor’s office, and checked in, where we waited some more. Our appointment time came and went. We waited another fifteen minutes, then Shannon asked the person at the front what was going on, and soon after, we were whisked back to a room, where we sat and waited even more.
Upon entering, the doctor started in on a speech about “slipping through the cracks” and explained that Shannon had done so. We weren’t really sure what was going on or where this was going, until she pulled out this piece of paper, which showed that Shannon has a higher BMI than she would like, and to inseminate her would be like “handing her a loaded gun” according to the doctor. Uh, excuse me? I know plenty of people with higher BMI’s than Shannon who’ve had kids naturally and they are just fine. I was furious, but all I could do was hide my face in my vest, for fear that I would say something to prevent her from doing the procedure. Please also understand that this doctor’s BMI is probably as big as mine (which is NOT small, by the way), but since she wasn’t being inseminated, I guess it was ok to bag on someone else.
After that uncomfortable discussion, the doctor did the procedure anyway, since we were there, but let me push the button to get the sperm going. It was great; holding Shannon’s hand with one hand, and doing the deed with the other. The doctor left us in the room for twenty minutes to let the little guys make their way to the egg. We are hoping they found their way, and soon we will know.
Shannon’s temperature has been steadily up since we did the insemination, which is a good sign. We will continue to keep our fingers crossed and hope that we are pregnant! And hope that we don’t have to go see that doctor again.
Shannon and I have been joking with each other about being "fat" and "lard butt" and "tubby" since. We at least have had a good laugh about it!

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